Microlearning: The ideal strategy to develop your team’s soft skills


In a digital era shaped by technology, artificial intelligence and data processing, modern companies are realizing that technical skills and practical knowledge in themselves are no longer enough to thrive. Although these hard skills will doubtless continue to be important, the unstoppable growth of technology means that increasing value will be placed on employees who bring a different set of skills to the table – namely, soft skills. 

Today, the ability to communicate effectively, adapt to change, and solve problems through collaboration is just as important as the possession of solid technical skills. And that is exactly why companies are putting more and more effort and resources into the development of soft skills within their teams. 

However, an obstacle for many organizations is the belief that acquiring these types of social skills requires a considerable investment of time. This is where microlearning emerges as a transformative solution. The methodology not only offers an effective solution for the development of soft skills, but also adapts perfectly to the pace of work in today’s digital age, making it an agile and intuitive format for the modern learner. 

Microlearning for the development of soft skills 

Over the past few years, a sharp increase in technological development and the rise of digitalization have brought significant changes to the way we access information and consume content. 

Thanks to the Screen Time of awake hours by country map, provided by Electronic Hubs, we can see that in Spain approximately 5.95 hours per day per person are spent consuming content over the internet. Startlingly, this adds up to 35.5% of the time we spend awake. Such content tends to be audiovisual and dynamic in nature, as a user’s attention span typically dwindles after around 20 minutes. Interestingly, mobile devices emerge as the favorites for browsing the internet, with 80% of users worldwide compared to just 60% who use personal computers.

Against this backdrop, the use of microlearning plays a vitally important strategic role for companies. In fact, more and more organizations are turning to this methodology to adapt to their employees’ unique training needs. With microlearning, training becomes more innovative, attractive and, above all, effective. In addition, it allows workers to acquire knowledge quickly and easily, in bite-size pieces, guaranteeing their full attention throughout the entire process. 

Effective microlearning modules for the development of soft skills 

Microlearning is a method based on short and easily digested learning modules. These modules, or ‘knowledge pills,’ are miniature training sessions lasting between 10 to 20 minutes, with a single learning objective or skill as their focus. As a student progresses, the different modules begin to fit together like puzzle-pieces to build a more complete library of knowledge. 

In the current corporate environment where, as we have seen, soft skills are so crucial for success, the implementation of microlearning modules becomes a key strategy for their development. Some of its advantages include: 

A goal-focused approach

Microlearning modules are distinguished by their ability to offer a precise focus on specific objectives. Each training session addresses one single soft skill, breaking down otherwise complex concepts into easy-to-manage pieces. Whether your employees are honing a more empathetic communication style, or working on their collaborative decision-making, this approach allows them to focus intensively on the skill in question, optimizing the learning process. 

Adaptability and flexibility 

The brevity of these training modules not only guarantees easy assimilation, but also allows them to adapt to the fast pace of the modern business environment. Time-based flexibility allows employees to integrate this training method effortlessly into their daily working lives. 


One of the strengths of module-based learning is its ability to contextualize learning, placing it within practical and relevant examples. Each training unit is presented through a set of specific professional scenarios,allowing users to connect theory with practice. This contextualization not only makes learning more meaningful, but also facilitates the direct transfer of acquired skills to the workplace. 

Continuous assessment 

Finally, the modular structure of microlearning, when applied to the development of soft skills, allows for the continuous and progressive evaluation of students. At the end of each module, professionals have the chance to undergo brief evaluations that reinforce the concepts learned, as well as offer instant feedback. This not only ensures knowledge retention, but also allows the training focus to be adjusted if necessary.

The benefits of enhancing soft skills through microlearning 

Boosting soft skills through microlearning brings an array of benefits to both companies and their professionals. Some of the most important include: 

Greater learning efficiency 

Brief modules allow managers to offer effective learning sessions in a short space of time, maximizing knowledge retention and learning value. 

Adaptation to working reality 

The time-based flexibility offered by microlearning adapts to employees’ actual work rhythms, making it easy to integrate training into their daily lives. 

Immediate application 

As we mentioned earlier, contextualizing each lesson within situations taken from the real work environment allows employees to apply newly-learned soft skills with immediate effect. 

Continuous development 

Continuous and progressive evaluation promotes constant development, making it possible for professionals to adjust their focus and consolidate skills over time. 

A measurable impact 

Focusing learning on specific objectives and consistently evaluating them makes it easy to measure progress in the development of soft skills. 

All in all, microlearning is a flexible approach, capable of providing effective, personalized and on-the-spot learning. Moreover, it is ideal for the development of soft skills due to its versatility and compatibility with other training trends, such as gamification. 

Why do many companies still not dare to use microlearning? 

Training projects that include microlearning dynamics achieve more than 90% student engagement, completion ratings and knowledge retention. Despite this, there are still companies that opt not to use them. The reason? Above all, insecurity or simple lack of awareness. In fact, only 8% of initiatives aiming to develop digital skills incorporate microlearning dynamics. Although there are a number of reasons why a company might hesitate to use microlearning, the following stand out: 

  • Many companies consider it an informal method. This is because it deliberately sets itself apart from conventional training styles. 
  • A lack of technological knowledge on the company’s part. 
  • Some traditional companies, clinging to ‘classic’ training methods, mistakenly believe that microlearning is difficult to use, apply and measure. 
  • Some companies adhere to traditional corporate customs or values. These companies tend to be characterized by excessive rigidity and a strict hierarchy between employees and managers 

It is estimated that the 8% statistic we refer to above is likely to grow in the coming years, in no small part due to an increase in professional profiles interested in these new methodologies. The emergence of more and more digital natives in companies is undeniable and, according to LinkedIn Learning calculations, by 2025, 75% of company staff will be millennials. 

How to apply microlearning in your training project 

In order to apply microlearning correctly, it is first necessary to take into account several considerations. First of all, it is essential to make your employees aware of the importance of training, as well as illustrate the specific advantages of microlearning for their professional development. Next, you’ll need to ensure that you integrate the correct type of content for proper training. This should be brief, agile and multimedia, in order to capture the attention of employees and facilitate their learning. Finally, it is vital to support employee training with practical examples, to ensure that the whole process is as effective as possible. 

The result of these efforts will be training with high employee satisfaction levels, and this in turn will ensure that they complete their training, retain the knowledge they gain, and practically apply their new skills to the job.

How isEazy can help you develop your company’s soft skills with microlearning 

Brief, attractive, and effective pieces of learning content, such as videos or infographics, are capable of capturing employee attention for long enough to learn these all-important soft skills. Enhanced communication and problem solving are just a few examples. The effectiveness of these resources makes it crucial for companies to develop training plans that truly take advantage of them, offering relevant information to their workforce in a timely and engaging format. 

If you’re looking for a modern and effective solution for training your corporate team, then look no further. isEazy Skills offers you the most complete catalog of courses on the market, letting you train your professionals in all the key soft skills in an agile, interactive and accessible style. Our courses are built from the ground up with microlearning in mind, offering a brilliant combination of  60% audiovisual content and 40% interactive resources. So, if you really want to engage your employees and help them retain information better, then what are you waiting for? Start developing the talent of your professionals today!

Josefina Castelán


Josefina Castelán

Content Marketing Specialist at isEazy

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