ChatGPT and its e-learning applications


It’s been a long time since the world began exploring the possibilities that artificial intelligence (AI) has to offer. However, it wasn’t until late last year that these possibilities became a reality thanks to the constant advancement of this technology.

One of the key drivers of this change has been OpenAI and the launch of ChatGPT. Since then, AI has been changing little by little the way in which we perform certain tasks, particularly in the workplace. 

Such has been its impact, that a recent Harvard Business Review study revealed that 36% of executives plan to use AI to improve their internal operations. It’s not surprising therefore that the global adoption rate of artificial intelligence has grown by 35% compared to 2021. 

But, despite the fact that AI is the topic on everyone’s lips, for many people it is still unchartered territory. That’s why, in this article, we’ll explore all things generative AI and how to leverage tools like ChatGPT in the e-learning sector. 

What is generative AI? 

Generative AI models are artificial intelligence models capable of creating original content, whether in the form of text, images, music or any other data. Each type of intelligence operates based on the content for which it has been trained. These models employ advanced machine learning algorithms and techniques, such as generative neural networks, which produce new results based on the patterns they have learned during their training. 

ChatGPT is part of this family of generative AI models. This artificial intelligence was developed to perform tasks related to language, so it can generate everything from a quick translation, to an extensive text. Through corrections and over time, it is trained to perform tasks, and although it can make mistakes, it is capable of generating in-depth responses to a wide range of topics. 

The role of ChatGPT in the transformation of e-learning

With all this data, it’s no surprise that artificial intelligence has had a huge impact in the working world. Although its capabilities vary according to industry or role, some aspects in which generative AI has caused the greatest impact are in the automation of repetitive tasks, the transformation of roles and skills, and the creation of new job opportunities, as well as the displacement of others. 

Organizations worldwide are aware of this and are beginning to understand the potential of generative AI in learning and development (L&D), improving the prediction of training needs or processes, and allowing professionals to focus on human relationships and activities of greater value. 

Unlocking the capabilities of ChatGPT in the e-learning sector

In the world of e-learning, generative AI has the potential to create innovative and personalized solutions to improve employee training. Below, we explore some of its applications in more detail: 

  • Creation of training content 

As we have seen, generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT are able to analyze data or learn patterns to produce coherent and meaningful texts, something which could prove very useful for developing e-learning content. Its biases and limitations, however, mean it can also provide misinformation. For this reason, L&D managers must pay attention when using it to generate learning content and always revise and edit before publishing.  

  • Automation of tedious and repetitive tasks 

AI can take care of repetitive tasks, leaving humans time to interact, connect, create strategies and put in place learning processes that align with the needs of the company. 

Actions such as grading, answering questions or evaluating students’ progress are some of the practical applications that those in charge of training could assign to these programs. Others could be writing emails or data analysis that help L&D professionals to make decisions. 

  • Developing and improving visual resources 

Generative AI could help create visual resources for online courses, as well as text. Some models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks, generate realistic images from descriptions or concepts. This could make it easier to create graphics or illustrations for your content. 

They could even help improve existing images, through suggestions, and in some cases, perform tasks such as removing unwanted backgrounds, adjusting colors or correcting image quality. This would help designers save time and resources by streamlining the design process.

Tips for generating effective e-learning content with generative AI

As we have seen, generative AI can be an asset when it comes to the creation of course content but, in order to get the most out of these tools, knowing how to properly instruct them is essential. The prompt you give could be the difference between a good and a great piece of e-learning  content.

Below are some tips to consider when using AI as part of your learning and development strategy: 

For text generators: 

  • Be specific 

When it comes to training, clarity is the foundation of every piece of content. That’s why it’s essential to provide specific prompts that outline exactly what you’re looking for. Try to avoid yes/no questions and provide context including your training goal and your target audience to receive accurate results. Length and structure are also helpful points to highlight. 

  • Avoid technical terms and jargon

Acronyms and professional jargon are commonplace in most working environments but they can lead to misunderstandings when it comes to AI. Use language that’s universally understood or risk poor quality content. 

  • Test and adjust

As with any new process, there’s an unavoidable period of trial and error. Experiment with different prompts and make a note of the results, what was good about them and what you need more of. That way, you’ll be able to use your experience to make all kinds of e-learning processes more straightforward in the future. 

For image generators: 

  • Include concrete adjectives

Just like with text based AI tools, it’s important to be clear about what you’re looking for. When it comes to images, think about using specific adjectives to describe your requirements.

  • Offer inspiration

Providing artists or styles of images that you like means you’re more likely to generate content that supports your learning and development goals. 

  • Quality and proportions

Don’t forget to include the size and specifications of your images either. These can differ significantly depending on the format of the finished content so be sure to make sure your technical requirements are met.

If you want your team to be able to write effective prompts for artificial intelligence, we’ve added a new course to the isEazy Skills catalog: How to make AI work for you: Write prompts that generate results.

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Generative AI promises to bring incredible changes to the corporate sector. In this post, you can see some of it’s applications in the learning and development space but it’s also important to keep in mind the risks and challenges that come with using it. What do you think of the use of AI in e-learning? Are you ready to try it?

Josefina Castelán


Josefina Castelán

Content Marketing Specialist at isEazy

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