Self-motivation at work: Keys to maintaining energy and productivity 


Motivation is one of the most critical factors that distinguishes a good professional from an excellent one. Each day, individuals face increasingly complex situations, heightened demands and competition, constant pressure, all while experiencing varying degrees of motivation. 

Unsurprisingly, professionals approach situations that motivate them with greater enthusiasm while leaving aside those that don’t.The problem is that in the workplace, we can’t always choose which challenges to face and which ones to avoid. So, how can we find excitement and enthusiasm to meet work objectives without depending on external elements? 

The key to achieving this lies in cultivating self-motivation at work. 

Self-motivation: The secret of successful individuals  

Self-motivation is one of the most powerful skills for achieving success. A motivated professional can overcome adversity, learn to improve and recognize their strengths, boost optimism, project a more confident self-image, and experience greater overall happiness in their work and life. 

Self-motivation is the key to initiating and completing a task. Weisinger 

For organizations, having motivated employees enables them to adapt faster to change, as they can rely on energetic and proactive professionals capable of achieving more challenging objectives. Moreover, self-motivated workers require less management as they tend to optimize their time and be more productive, particularly when leading teams. 

Keys to practicing self-motivation at work  

To progress towards greater happiness, we must foster self-motivation at work, which leads to a greater sense of fulfilment among professionals. Remember, the higher the motivation, the further they will go. 

But how can you successfully develop self-motivation in your team? And, above all, how can we apply it to day-to-day work? 

Is self-motivation an innate skill or is it something that can be taught? While it’s something that might come to some people more naturally than others, there are certain steps you can take to develop this skill among employees.  

1. Identify the level of motivation

To what extent are your employees already motivated? What are they motivated by? Achievement, power, responsibility?  

Identifying these factors is the foundation for taking action and identifying opportunities to boost self-motivation within the team, and combat challenges that might discourage it. 

2. Give purpose to the task or activity

Asking yourself about the purpose of the tasks or activities  can be a good exercise in self-motivation. Once you’ve established what motivates your employees, find ways to translate this into their responsibilities by showing how their work contributes to a wider objective.  

3. Cultivate attitudes that enhance self-motivation

How can we change limiting beliefs that affect motivation within a company? Visualizing the completed task, always choosing constructive criticism over critical feedback, and avoiding limiting thoughts can all be helpful in this regard. It’s also important to promote perseverance, overcoming the fear of change and avoiding stress. 

4. Set goals for action

Last but not least, to foster self-motivation, it is essential to create a connection between personal and professional objectives. Beyond merely setting goals, consider long-term rewards.  

Discover isEazy Skills and encourage self-motivation among your employees through courses designed to help them succeed.

Cristina Sánchez


Cristina Sánchez

Digital PR Specialist at isEazy

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