Developing your team’s soft skills in the age of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world as we know it and the workplace is no exception. By automating and simplifying processes, it’s causing a revolution that is already impacting the organizational structure of some companies as well as the tasks currently carried out by their employees. But, while many fear a future in which AI eliminates humans from the workforce, others recognize the need for personal skills that technology cannot currently compete with.
That’s where soft skills come in. Also known as power skills thanks to their potential in the workplace, soft skills are those, more “human” attributes such as communication and leadership that are invaluable to any organization. Unlike their counterpart, hard skills, which refer to the technical abilities needed for a particular role, soft skills are universal and can be applied to any role. Research has also shown that soft skills are responsible for 85% of career success. But which of these skills are relevant in today’s workplace and how can you develop your team’s soft skills in a world that’s increasingly reliant on technology?
La inteligencia artificial (IA) está cambiando el mundo tal como lo conocemos y el lugar de trabajo no es una excepción. Al automatizar y simplificar los procesos, está causando una revolución que ya está afectando a la estructura organizativa de algunas empresas, así como a las tareas que actualmente realizan sus empleados. Pero, mientras muchos temen un futuro en el que la IA elimine a los humanos de la fuerza laboral, otros reconocen que genera, más que nunca, la necesidad de un “enfoque más humano”. Ahí es donde entran las soft skills.

También conocidas como power skills, por su relevancia en el mundo laboral, son habilidades como la comunicación o el liderazgo, imprescindibles para cualquier organización. A diferencia de las hard skills, las habilidades técnicas necesarias para un rol específico, las soft skills son universales y, lo que es más importante, proporcionan a una empresa beneficios que la inteligencia artificial no puede ofrecer.

Featured in this whitepaper:

  1. The most in-demand skills in the digital age.
  2. What is the soft skills gap and how to close it.
  3. How to develop the skills of different generations of employees.
  4. The Netflix of soft skills.

Webinar en directo: Cómo utilizar la IA en tuherramienta de autor ¡Inscríbete!

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