How to use gamification in your e-learning courses

Discover isEazy Author more engaging games!

How to use gamification with isEazy Author!

Did you know you need gamification to create the most compelling courses for your team? Gamification success relies on boosting learning through games, which happens naturally in childhood and supports cognitive development. We know that learning by playing is the most fun way to learn!

Why should you use gamification in your e-learning?

  • Improves motivation levels to continue with training courses.
  • Increase the level of commitment of your professionals.
  • Makes the learning process much more fun.
  • Knowledge is reinforced by practicing it.
  • Promotes and facilitates learning by promoting changes in behavior.

What will you learn in this webinar?

Do you want to gamify your e-learning courses? Don’t miss our webinar on-demand and discover how to create immersive learning experiences with isEazy Author:

1. What is gamification, and why use it in your e-learning content?

2. How to gamify your online courses with isEazy Author efficiently and quickly.

3. What are the isEazy Author games that hook users the most?


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Gamification app for boosting the success of your training.


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