Take engagement to the next level: Creating accessible game-based learning experiences

Create accessible content in just a few minutes with isEazy Author

Did you know that game-based learning (GBL) is becoming a popular learning methodology? Applying games and interactives to courses motivates students and helps them better retain information.

If you want all your learners to enjoy GBL content and promote diversity by adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, creating accessible course content with isEazy Author is straightforward and does not require expertise!

Why is it important to create accessible content?

  • It promotes inclusivity and eliminates social barriers.
  • It drives talent retention ensuring all learners have access to courses
  • Enhances brand image by showing the organization’s commitment to encourage diversity.
  • Encourages equal opportunities making training accessible to everyone.

What you will learn in this webinar:

In this session with Ana Apostol, our isEazy expert, we will discuss the importance of accessibility in the industry, and you will learn how to create amazing accessible interactive e-learning courses through innovative accessibility features!

  • The importance of accessibility in e-learning.

  • How to overcome the most common challenges when creating accessible content.

  • How to create engaging accessible courses in minutes.

  • Types of accessible games and interactive resources and how to configure them.

Delivered by:

Reinvent the way you do e-learning

The best e-learning solutions, in one place.


Design and share your own training content.


Bespoke content creation in record time.


Learning and management centred on the user experience.


A complete catalogue for upskilling your team.


Gamification app for boosting the success of your training.


Sustainable app with a wide range of courses online.