Essential skills your team needs for remote working 

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According to a recent report, combining remote work with office work is a priority in many organizations. In fact, 64% of them plan to adopt a hybrid work model. 

This is largely thanks to the creation of new digital professions, advancements in technology, and new generations of employees with different ideas of what the working world should look like.   

But what are the advantages of remote working? In this article, we explore its benefits, the challenges remote working poses for both individuals and companies and the key skills needed for working effectively outside of the office.  

Main benefits of remote work 

First and foremost, remote work gives employees increased flexibility, allowing them to work at their own pace with fewer interruptions, avoid commutes, and improve work-life balance. 

From a business perspective, remote work fosters employee commitment, saves costs, boosts productivity, and enhances professional competencies, such as digital skills and time management. 

According to Stanford University, remote workers are 13% more productive and experience 50% less job burnout. So, why are many companies and professionals still reluctant to embrace this approach? 

Challenges hindering remote work  

For many managers, remote work is synonymous with working less. This mindset stems from a traditional leadership need for control, which is no longer justified due to the plethora of resources available to companies or the demands and expectations of current professionals who seek more freedom and autonomy. 

Other companies are not ready for remote work because they need to improve their organizational skills or lack sufficient technological resources. For example, digital systems for management, communication, and control that facilitate autonomous work. Sometimes, employees do not have laptops they can take home, face poor internet connections, or lack the possibility of having remote meetings. 

Current legislation also obliges companies to monitor employees’ working hours, which is made more challenging with remote work. 

A new methodology for remote working 

These beliefs hinder the implementation of remote work. However, many of them could be overcome if professionals demonstrate productivity and results while working from home. 

Being more productive and efficient does not mean working longer hours though. In fact, working “smart” is a key principle of remote work.This philosophy, known as Smart Working, represents a new methodology for remote work based on providing employees with all the necessary tools to achieve their highest professional performance from any location. 

To achieve this, companies need to promote a set of guidelines to ensure their teams adapt to this new work model, including remote learning strategies 

Key behaviors for developing remote working skills 

  • Planning and organizing tasks, time, and breaks: It’s essential to present your team with a clear set of objectives and priorities to make the most of their time and effort.    
  • Defining the workspace and ensuring adequate resources: As wehave seen,organization is a fundamental skill for achieving good results. Encouraging professionals not to mix personal and professional matters and fostering a culture of disconnection will also help them organize their work more effectively. 
  • Improving cross-functional knowledge: Training employees facilitates effective remote work. Proficiency in digital tools for communication, organization, and collaboration for example, is essential.  
  • Empowering responsibility, autonomy, and motivation: Defining objectives and roles, and promoting autonomy and self-confidence are essential both in the office and while working remotely. With these guidelines, employees will be more resourceful and motivated during moments of solitude. 
  • Collaborating and tailoring the remote working experience: When planning and working, it’s essential for team leaders and employees to consider the different needs of colleagues and projects to make any necessary adjustments to get the most out of the team 

Remote work doesn’t have to be unattainable for professionals or a challenge filled with obstacles for companies. If you want to be part of a new era of innovative organizations that know how to maximize the potential of remote workers, check out isEazy Skills and give your employees the training they need to succeed, wherever they work from. 

Fernando González Zurita


Fernando González Zurita

SEO Specialist at isEazy

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