Must-have power skills in 2023

To be resilient and adaptable, organizations need to attract the best talent and retain it by engaging them with the company and their own success. Leading a learning-driven culture will significantly encourage this engagement.

All corporate training strategies must focus on teaching power skills. This way, they can help employees develop their talent and become competent professionals in adapting to new labor market needs. These skills will favor the growth of professionals and their organizations.

What will you find in this whitepaper?

  • Upskilling as a key to talent retention.
  • What are the essential power skills to include in your upskilling strategy.
  • Power skills training trends for new generations of employees: new methodologies and formats.
  • Best e-learning technology for power skills development.

Webinar en directo: Cómo utilizar la IA en tuherramienta de autor ¡Inscríbete!

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