ESCP Business School Madrid

ESCP Business School increases the production, engagement and completion of its courses with isEazy

  • The first business school in the world, ESCP Business School, has had the leading technology in e-learning solutions isEazy to optimize the creation of e-learning content for its training programs. 
  • With a student body of 5,000 students and 5,000 managers per year, ESCP needed an agile and versatile solution with which to create quality and very dynamic online courses on trending topics.
  • Thanks to the isEazy authoring tool, ESCP has increased its efficiency and productivity in generating content and improved its learning experience, increasing its course engagement and completion rate of its courses.


Madrid, September 28, 2023 – ESCP Business School is the first business school in the world, present in 6 major European capitals, and considered the third best school in Europe according to the Financial Times ranking. ESCP has led the business education landscape for two centuries and has 5,000 students and 5,000 managers from more than 100 countries in its classrooms each year. This international character, specialized in offering training to large multinationals, requires that its programs be increasingly flexible, of high pedagogical level, and on very current areas. That is why ESCP wanted to optimize its online course production process and strengthen its autonomy to generate ad hoc training.

To achieve this, they have relied on isEazy, the leading technology company in e-learning solutions, and its authoring tool isEazy Author to guarantee their students a better learning experience. This software is an agile and versatile solution, facilitating the creation of e-learning content and updating existing courses according to your needs. “By being able to design and update the contents internally, we have significantly reduced the time and resources we used to invest in outsourcing this task,” says Olga Alonso, director of Executive Education & Business Solutions at ESCP Business School.

In addition, not only the creation of educational content has benefited from the arrival of isEazy Author, but they have also taken advantage of its potential to create presentations, communications and commercial proposals. In the words of Gabriela Sánchez, Executive Education & Business Solutions at ESCP Business School: “The main reason is its usability. In addition, it allows you to easily include images, videos, and interactive documentation such as linked scenes or a wide variety of games… The possibilities are endless and without the need for any technical or programming knowledge to be able to use it.” 

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