How gamification can help reduce work stress


Technological advances and the digital transformation of the workplace have led to the need for new, more modern training methods designed according to the requirements and interests of students. With this in mind, gamification in the field of corporate training is becoming increasingly popular compared to other, traditional methodologies.

Gamification provides students with features that make the learning process a more motivating, engaging and meaningful experience. In addition, it helps reduce uncertainty and stress, which have been shown to have a negative impact on the performance of employees and the organization as a whole, decreasing their motivation to learn and expand their knowledge. 

In this article we look at how to reduce stress through play and improve the learning process of your employees. 

Work-related stress and its effects on productivity 

With today’s fast pace of work, the advancement of automated processes and the constant change of skills required from employees, work stress has been on the rise. A report by PAHO/WHO highlights the importance of this problem, finding that more than 10% of respondents have felt under stress or tension in their jobs

The stress generated by the various changes and challenges of day-to-day work can lead to health problems and even affect the personal lives of employees. In addition, several studies confirm that work stress is capable of affecting the productivity of workers, leading to a significant level of absenteeism from work and sick leave due to related diseases.

Gamified learning is the perfect solution to reduce stress, since it transforms learning into a fun experience, changing the way we offer knowledge to our employees. Used well, gamification can help professionals learn new concepts, solve problems, develop skills and make decisions, preventing them from facing situations that are beyond their capabilities which can result in stress and tension.

Gamification as a tool to reduce work stress 

Gamification, as its name suggests, is the application of gaming features in the context of learning. In recent years, this methodology has become a trend for corporate training, since it uses elements such as rewards, achievements and badges, which reinforce motivation, influence behavior and help with professional progression.

According to research from the American Psychological Association, games provoke various feelings, including satisfaction and relaxation. In the context of training, both could help employees deal with complex situations and regulate their emotions. 

Rewards trigger the release of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins 

Dopamine is a hormone related to well-being, which is released whenever we receive a reward for performing an action. Gamification not only gives learners instant feedback but offers rewards in the form of badges or achievements upon reaching learning objectives. This induces the release of dopamine which helps the student associate learning with positive emotions that encourage them to continue. 

Serotonin is the hormone that is responsible for our mood. The higher the serotonin, the better we feel, and while this hormone can be released through different things like a healthy diet or physical exercise, it is also activated by remembering the achievements or successes of the past. How can gamification help with this process? Through the visualization of rewards and achievements obtained by employees during training. 

Endorphins work as a natural analgesic of the body, contributing to overall well-being, tranquility and pleasure. The enthusiasm and excitement we feel when we play is the result of the release of endorphins, so gamification is the perfect methodology to reduce stress and anxiety levels in our team. 

Games help with cognitive overload 

Many traditional training methods, when composed mostly of texts or extensive slides, provoke cognitive overload in the student. The human brain can only handle a limited amount of information at a time, and when it reaches that limit, concentration and interest are often compromised. Gamification presents information in a more fun, interesting and challenging format, which is easy-to-digest and thus, easier for the brain to retain

Play improves social interaction 

Gamification uses gaming elements that enhance peer interactions and increase collaboration between teams. Individual or group challenges and activities help strengthen competitiveness and teamwork, and often allow students to interact. This improvement in social interaction is key to avoiding isolation, irritability and stress, as it allows you to establish connections with co-workers and strengthen them over time. 

Gamification helps professionals control their learning process 

Corporate training is an area of great importance for the development of any organization, but it can often generate stress in employees who cannot make the necessary time to devote to long and complex content. 

Gamified learning helps professionals feel in control of their professional development by offering interactive and motivational features that transform learning from an obligation into an enjoyable break from their workday.

Incorporate gamification into your corporate training strategy with isEazy Game 

We’ve seen how gamification can influence employee well-being and behavior by providing a space where people can experiment, connect with knowledge in a different way, make mistakes, and release emotions. Now it’s time to apply it to your corporate training strategy. 

But how? Through the right e-learning tool. isEazy Game turns your training into a unique experience by transforming all your content into games with challenges, levels and social and participatory dynamics, which boost participation. With isEazy Game you can create individual or group games, customize levels or rankings and celebrate each victory of your employees, boosting their productivity, professional development and your corporate culture. Try it for free and start empowering your team through play!

Sara De la Torre


Sara De la Torre

Content Marketing Manager at isEazy

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