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TogglePowerPoint is one of the tools that is most widely used to collect and communicate knowledge in corporate environments, from executive reports to presentations on multiple topics or face-to-face training sessions. How many PowerPoints do you have on your computer? Tens? Thousands? 😉
Ever find yourself wanting to turn those training slides into an e-learning content? You’ve perhaps had the same idea regarding other corporate presentations and documents that you have in the same format. Why not take advantage of the knowledge that is already documented and convert PowerPoint into online courses with it? However, you might feel that PowerPoint has some important shortcomings when it comes to learning. Do you know what they are and how to remedy them with isEazy Author? Let’s find out!
E-learning: the need for interaction
PowerPoint can be a very powerful ally in a face-to-face context, as learning consists of two main pillars: on the one hand, the on-screen information, which points out the relevant concepts for the course, and on the other hand, the trainer’s interventions, the key to engaging the students, encouraging debate, and getting feedback.
In virtual training, however, the latter component, the interaction with the trainer, is lost. Therefore, the content has to bear the weight of capturing attention and inviting reflection and interaction. No matter how many questions, multimedia materials or visual components you include in a PowerPoint, this lack of interaction can make it boring and ineffective in conveying knowledge.
That’s when isEazy Author comes into play.
isEazy Author, three options for PowerPoint integration
There are several ways to integrate your presentations into your authoring tool isEazy Author and convert your PowerPoint into an online course. Each with its pros and cons. We’ll go over them in detail so that you can decide which one suits you better in each case:
1. Embed your PowerPoint, as it is
Did you know that isEazy Author integrates seamlessly with many other tools? Perfect for further enhancing its capabilities. One of those tools is Google Docs which, as you probably know, allows you to save and share your PowerPoint presentations. So, you can upload your presentation to Google Docs and embed it in our authoring tool via the link it provides you. It’s the same thing you would do, for example, with a YouTube video. Easy, right?
Pros: it’s such a simple process that it will take you less than five minutes.
Cons: It’s not the most convenient format if you’re dealing with a very long presentation. It lacks interactivity or reinforcement activities, and you’re not able to follow up on its reading stats, that is, you will not know if the student has read it to the very end or not.
Utility: it’s convenient if you want, for example, to embed a document (like a leaflet or a short presentation) as a reference. Moreover, you can update it through Google Docs. Every time the leaflet changes, simply replacing it in Google Docs will suffice; you won’t have to touch your course on isEazy Author at all.
Amount of effort required: very low.
More information: we cover everything in this article.
2. Export your PowerPoint as an image and reimport it
PowerPoint offers the option to export each slide as a complete image. Then isEazy Author, as you’d expect, allows you to import those images into its different slides. It’s another very simple way to transfer the content of your presentation to your online course and one that also offers you some added benefits.
Pros: as you’ll have each image on a different isEazy Author slide, you can take the opportunity to add some reinforcement activities or some interactive content. This way, you keep optimizing the effort, but you take more advantage of the power of the tool.
Cons: it’s not the most suitable format to view the course on a cell phone, because the images don’t fit perfectly in a vertical screen. On the other hand, if the course is very long, and because images take up a lot of space, you could be overloading the user’s connection, and they may take time to download, if that connection is not very good.
Utility: it’s convenient if you need a quick fix for your course, and you don’t have time for anything else.
Amount of effort required: low.
More information: this article shows you how to do it step by step.
3. Transform your presentation completely and harness the full potential of isEazy Author
This is the ideal solution if you want to get the most out of your content. It takes a little longer, but the results are worth it. With this method, what you do is go through your PowerPoint presentation and move each element (image, table, text, etc.) individually to isEazy Author, taking the time to give it all the interactivity you wish.
Pros: as you design your course, you can decide which element of isEazy Author is the best to represent each element of your slides, finding the perfect match between image, content, and interactivity. The result adapts 100% to mobile devices and obtains the most engagement from the students. By using the templates, we offer you and the tricks to fully optimize, you will be making minimal effort for maximum results.
Cons: honestly, we don’t see any. All you need is a little more time than in the previous options.
Utility: this solution helps you turn any PowerPoint presentation you have into an e-learning course.
Amount of effort required: medium.
More information: read these tips for transforming your presentation into an e-learning course.
What do you think? You’ve run out of excuses to start monetizing all that content you have stored in your PowerPoint presentations. Don’t wait any longer and start converting your boring PowerPoint presentations into amazing and interactive online courses, that hook your audience!